Monday, July 14, 2008


mister muleboy said...

Just what is the title of "it's not written in the stars . . . . crazy world of A Borwn" anyway?

You were kind enough to announce it last night, but I was kind enough not to tell the person yapping in my ear to shut the fuck up.

I am regretting my reticence.

Little Johnny Jewel said...

That would be Trick Photography

mister muleboy said...

Ahhhh -- how clever. Not only of you, but of ME.

[when you oh-so-long ago gave me a white CD-R of some demos you had worked up, I heard the song and called it "trick photography"]

my cleverness has limits, of course; you'd be surprised what titles I give some songs.

And who is "A Borwn" anyway?

I kid.

mister muleboy said...

you might have had something to do with the cleverness too, now that I think about it

Little Johnny Jewel said...

cleverness mostly you though

mister muleboy said...

I've taken credit for some of your best work.

He's very clean.