Thursday, April 26, 2012


mister muleboy said...

Why do I never get invited to the school play?

Little Johnny Jewel said...

Probably because of the nature of the material you feature on your personal website.

captcha: tepot logrea

def: (noun) talking too much about the superiority of PG Tips

mister muleboy said...

which personal website is that?

[I have so many personas, and each has a website somehwre. It's time-consuming being me. . . .]

captcha: cornpin iteope

Little Johnny Jewel said...

The one that I'm not allowed to see due to its prurient content; see three pictures ago.

mister muleboy said...

Ah; you refer to NatGEo's jackbooted technothugs and their rejection of my life's work

Little Johnny Jewel said...


They do have the moral highground, after all.