Saturday, August 23, 2014


mister muleboy said...

yer boy was out 'a town. how were the orchaestra?

mister muleboy said...

other than apparently unappreciated. . . .

Little Johnny Jewel said...

They were excellent. It filled a little as the night wore on, but less than half full at best.

mister muleboy said...

you making any music? I don't mean "are you working on a CS record?," I mean are you writing or recording or fooling around?

I fool around all the time now. I have excellent mics and preamps and plugins and instruments and amps. Nothing world-class, but good stuff.

I lack talent and drive.

And a desire to finish anything.

I went to overdub something for Sharples' record, and it was a disaster.Didin't know "pocket" from "picket." Or "Pickett." And didn't like the pocket provided anyway.

You should use me as a session guy. . . .