Tuesday, September 9, 2014


mister muleboy said...


Little Johnny Jewel said...

This is outside the Ronald Reagan building. I blame the gipper.

Little Johnny Jewel said...

Why is it so long since we've seen you? I miss ya, ya big lug.

mister muleboy said...

I miss you to, ya palooka ya.

I live far away. I don't like to go out, stand for hours watching a mediocre band, and arrive home at 2:00. The Watson Suite @ ShezSharples is CloSed. You have kids At The Age. Tom no longer engages us in stupid pursuits [he keeps those to himself] [or so I suppose]. I am lazy. I am old. I am fat. I live in Pennsylvania. Or Canada.

These are reasons. And I don't like them.

We should find a cheap villa, and go to Rivington Guitars. I bought a Xaviere LP-style from them through Reverb.

They owe me. . . .

mister muleboy said...

It could be that you haven't seen me because you've been out copping Black Puss

mister muleboy said...

I see this:

December 6th
An evening with THE FEELIES
Doors at 8pm/ Show at 9pm- 18+
buy ticket

at the Ottobar in Balteemore

Little Johnny Jewel said...

It's a Saturday. I say yes.